sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2016

1st New Moon of the Year


Tonight we will have the first New Moon of this year, a good time to determine who we want to be this year, through our attitudes.

This New Moon is the first of the Natural year (after the Solstice) and also of the Gregorian year of 2016.

It's a New Moon in Capricorn which speaks about responsibility (ability to respond), ie our inner capacities to respond to the situations we face in our lives.

And this New Moon will show up or express itself in a Full Moon in Leo, which in Consciousness leads us to see who we are through our small or great attitudes, who we want to be at every moment of our lives.

Those who want to do personal work with this New Moon have until 1:32 a.m. in Portugal (please check the time for you place) to write what you want to attract to your life and then put it in a place where there is no access from other people to the paper written by you, but in a location that is " special "or" sacred "to you.

My suggestion is that you do a short meditation to focus on what is important or do focused breathing for few minutes, putting away the daily distractions. Then ask your Being inspiration to write from your soul and not from your personality.

Working with the New Moon should be done until the time when it happens and this concept of New Moon is not the concept of Shamanism, because this idea of ​​New Moon is like the moment of conception, as the women pregnancy happens before the belly grows. It can only be done before the moon appears in the sky, that is during the moonless night that in this case will be tonight at 1:32 a.m. at Portugal.

Xicoração (tender hug)


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